Tuesday, March 11, 2003

So I was going through the archives (yes I was that involved in a conversation with Cliff) and noticed that the first mention of moi was on October 12 (Enter your own Miss Piggy joke here, my fat ass can take it). Although I had appeared as a day player in such previous episodes such as the Ren Faire, and the fact that my birthday occurred somewhere between the launching of this site and the aforementioned October 12. No, I'm not telling you when, you'll have to steal my wallet to find out that info. Hell, E didn't even know it and I've known her for four years now. Such is friendship. I had a point.

I guess the rant was inspired by the sick. The sick also inspired the purging of Cliff's bathroom, so I guess some good comes out of me feeling bad. I'm going to go hack somewhere else now.



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