Thursday, March 06, 2003

Okay, usually I copy whatever I type here, then paste it to Nekobox, cause I'm lazy like that. But today, it is the reverse.

Just deal with it, okay? No bitching. ^^

*start pasting*
So I thought I'd write about my experience at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) today, just 'cause I can. ^^ I have to say, it wasn't a lot of fun, but it was interesting. It's not a big party like E3 can be, it was a lot more serious, with the focus on (duh) game developement software. There was also a small section that focused on hiring and recruiting, which I spent a little more time at. ^^ In terms of software, I saw a lot of amazing stuff being done with really interesting systems. The two major ones (that I remember) were the Maya software, and nVidia. Both had extensive booths, and some beautiful examples of work, especially nVidia. They had a rendering of a fairy girl that was so detailed, you could actually zoom in into her eye, and see the tiny pores and skin flaws, and even how her makeup wasn't perfectly even. ^^

In other nifty stuff, Nokia had displays of their new phone/game system, the N-Gage (no relation to N'Sync). I had the chance to fiddle with one (miracle of miracles, I didn't crash it... though I did crash one I was watching for awhile). It's a tiny little game system, but it's a pretty big phone. The little backlit LCD screen was pretty small, but very clear, and it was easy to play Sonic. The controls weren't very straight forward, so I had to tinker a bit to get to a regular screen, but it was still pretty fun, and interesting. I'm not sure it will do well here, but it is a neat little toy. ^^

I grabbed a lot of schwag(tm), which I didn't mean to do, but heck, it was there. ^^ I also gave out a few copies of my resume and demo cd, which I hope will be put to good use. ^^ Wish me luck. ^^
*end pasting*

Yeah, so that's about it. I wouldn't call it *major* schwaggage, but I did okay. ^^

Okay, bedtime. Wish the guys good luck tomorrow. ^^


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