Monday, March 17, 2003

So, here I am. Well, not here, per se, because I've been kidnapped. Not kidnapped per se, but abducted more like. Or stolen. Maybe just borrowed. Yes, yes that's it. I've been borrowed. So I'm not at home. I'm down in Santa Cruz with Erin and Christy (who has hereby insisted she get editorial commentary after her name once more) and Sherrie. So if my typing isn't pitch perfect, it's because Erin has one of these wacky split keyboards that fucks up my typing. I can't type on a split board anywhere near as fast as I usually do.

I spent much of today aiding and abetting with light setup/design. Loads of fun. Haven't done stuff like that in ages. Shortly we will go and post posters (as opposed to doing something else with posters ... okay, just go with me on this, alright, before I beat you senseless... ) and then eventually, I will watch Children of Dune, that Erin is taping for me. We probably need to watch the Dune miniseries again first (because Erin's never seen it, and it's wonderful...) and then we'll sit down and watch all of Children of Dune. Ahhh.. the good Frank Herbert stuff, as opposed to the crap he wrote later in life. Oh well, can't do miraculous stuff forever...

That should be enough of a field report to entertain you now. I could tell you about watching Christy (who is no longer watching over my shoulder as I type so I can say whatever I want to about .... muhahahaha! I get to pick on my little sister and she's not gonna know! Hee hee! This is my revenge for a few things she's done over the last few days, so nyah nyah nyah nyah!) play soccer in the rain, or seeing Memento finally, or having dinner with Vader, but really, I don't have that much energy right now and I could be called to post... posters.... (I need a better way of saying that) ... at any minute.

That is all for now...

End of line.


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