Monday, October 07, 2002

So the studio meeting went well, although no studio name was yet found. We did, however, find and pick a proposal, and get some of the basics on timeframe and whatnot hammered out. We also talked about techniques, styles and approaches. Plans were made and we got ourselves ready to start to work. I'm going to pick up comic book page paper for Joe to start on in the middle of the week when I go to the comic shop in Berkeley, and then we'll start working. Get character sketches out and whatnot, preliminary concepts. I was a little surprised by the concept the group picked, because it's not the one I would have suspected they would have taken. I'm not displeased by any means ... I like the concept they picked and I'm going to be doing a little retooling to it this week, because it didn't come out how I imagined it to, but it's close. It's very close. So a few minor touchups here and there, as well as taking in a few suggestions from the group, and it should be ready to rock. Maybe we'll post some imagery up here sooner or later... maybe not. =P

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend. Saturday was the best day I've had in a while, and things only seem to be getting better and better up here. I don't want to bore you all with the details, but I'm comfortable. I'm happy. Life is good. No, it's better than that.

Anyhow, I shouldn't drone on too long. Things to do today!

NOW PLAYING: Michelle Branch - "You Get Me"
Lyrics: "So I'm a little left of center/ I'm a little out of tune/ Some say I'm paranormal/ So I just bend their spoon/ Who wants to be ordinary/ In a crazy, mixed-up world..."


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