Sunday, August 25, 2002

Well this is going to be short, sweet and to the point. Today I was at my sister-in-law's baby shower. The party started at 1pm. It was a beautiful party. At 1:30 Kaaryn stood up and went to the bathroom. She came back out crying and saying that her water had broke. Since it was a room full of women we all got jittery and excited. Kaaryn went back into the bathroom and we called my brother, Rich. He called the doctor and said that we should come home. But instead, Kaaryn felt bad that this entire party was ruined, so she asked if she could atleast open presents and then asked if we could play a game. My brother, this entire time, is sitting at home getting everything together.

Around 3pm we finally convince Kaaryn that she needs to leave. So we pack up her things and head home. From there, her and Rich drove to the hospital, while Kaaryn's mother, my mother and Kaaryn's best friend all wait at the house to hear something. After about 2 hours of waiting we go to the hospital and are able to talk with the doctor. So I am going to be an Aunt AGAIN!!! WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! *DANCES*



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