Saturday, August 24, 2002

Well, it's Saturday night here, and we've just been through one of the most amazing thunderstorms I've ever seen in my life.

It looked like it started out as 2 storms, one from the east and one from the west, and they collided right in Suzhou.

The lightening was so intense at times that it blinded us (my old classmate Melinda is with me in Suzhou at the moment) at times, and the thunder was probably pretty loud. We couldn't tell since we had to keep the windows closed due to the gale force winds. I tried to hold the windows open a bit, just so we could hear Nature's Surround Sound(tm), but one second the wind nearly slammed the window on my fingers, and the next second it nearly ripped the window out of my hand. We decided keeping the window shut and locked probably was the best idea. Besides, the sheets of rain were starting to creep into the house, and we didn't want the floor getting wet.

At times, the lightening was so close, that the thunder followed immediately. It was really exciting.

As I spea- write, there's still quite a bit of lightening still flashing outside, and it's still raining, but the winds have stopped. There's a tree down in the backyard, but it'll probably survive.

Ah, the glory of Mother Nature.


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