Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Know what time it is? It's Story Time!





Goddam clicking. Never fails, always the same. I wonder if someone will ever realize that the damn thing is broken. Not that there is anyone around to fix it. I've been sitting here for years and haven't seen a single soul. It gets worse too. I'm all covered in dust, my nice finish dulled and pitted with rust. I fight the rust, replenishing myself against the environment, but my stainless steel skin should be able to stop it. Stainless Steel? Yeah right. That's only the top layer of my skin. Pull away the shiny layer and all you see is my rusty innards, filled with wires and chips and circuits. There used to be a family of mice nesting in there, but they died long ago. There used to be someone to fix what went wrong with me.

I wonder where they've gone.

Dichotomy. Two sides. I remember being told that they will always be around. They need us, just like we need them. But they went away one day, so far back in time that I can't even recollect the date. Maybe I'm a time traveler, going forward one second at a time. Maybe I'm simply sitting, watching the world pass me by.

The sky is different now.

It used to be blue, filled with brilliant white clouds that marched across the land like herds. The rains used to come and wash away the dust. Snow used to fall, coating the land in a blanket of white.

It's red now. A deep, dark, angry red. The sun is huge too, taking up most of the sky. The temperature is going up each day, though there is no night any longer, the spin of the world long since ceased. Maybe it will come and swallow me up.

Maybe then, it will fix that Goddam clicking.




How was that for random?


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