Wednesday, June 11, 2003

A few things here.

First, how sick have you ever been? I most certainly have not been a super sick individual, not given to bouts of extreme illness, but last night takes the cake.

I mean, we're talking mind-bending here.

For some reason, when I tried to sleep, it was like my mind fragmented into a multitude of delegations, all arguing over how to best integrate the mess that was my body. At one point, I remember the vivid feeling of my entire body being nothing more than a set of branches to be trimmed. It was fscking with me majorly. We're talking a copious plethora of fsck-with here. I don't know what else to say, and I have no words really to describe the whole delerious episode. Gah.

And I wasn't even asleep! I was awake and my poor addled brain was not only attempting to cause more trouble to my already strained psyche but also felt no need to make any sense whatsoever! I kept getting up every hour or so and wondering what the hell was going on in my mind.

Jeez. I'll take senseless dreams and overbearing imagery for $400, Alex.

Second as Cliff has logged off of aim, I'll simply place the little banner for my webcomic right here for him.

Thanks for the linkup my friend. Here's a quote that sums things up: "Ach, me achin' 'ead"


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