Saturday, February 22, 2003

Muther fawker...I forgot to freaking hit publish earlier today...well whats up is that my ass FINALLY got a job about 11amish after an interview with some pretty damn energetic people. It's some sign shop that has those sings on trucks that basically drive around the more populated areas doing mobile advertiseing. What my job sounds like is doing my Graphic Design thing for the trucks, manageing the computer systems/Network Admin, and being lower for me! Good chance to save some funds, get some billz paid, and all & all kinda be in on what reaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyyyy feels upstartish suroundings, but it looks good...just gota work things around to be good. My office sucks ass, but thats b/c it's not what you would normaly call an office, but thats what it'll be once I'm thru with it. Could be good...could be so/so...could blow up in my face like Clientlogic, but I'm optamistic for once. Who says I can't be versitile like that? Oh yea...someone I know named Ted from a previous employment =P


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