Monday, February 17, 2003

Damn, Christy, go to bed already. I mean, sure, you haven't gotten virtually any sleep in the last few days, but hell, I've been up since 4 p.m. yesterday and show no sign of slowing down. (I'm in the fucking office already, and I started this post at 7:30... it's just taking me a long time to write it all goddamnit...)

So, my weekend in a nutshell...

FRIDAY: I left work at around 2 p.m. that afternoon This granted me the time to hit a florist and proceed down to Santa Cruz for fencing. Gifts were delivered. An amusing story about John Mayer's new live album ensued, before it was rebought on CD and regiven. Fencing was had. Cliff was struck a couple of times. Erin was struck once. No severe injuries resulted. The opening routine is coming together nicely and should only take a few more sessions before it's ready for execution. Erin had to go to a puppet show (for which no ticket could be acquired for me) so Erich and I went out and obtained dinner. (I ordered both sesame chicken and combination fried rice -- couldn't finish it all, obviously, so brought back my leftovers, which Erin then ate for dinner.) Part of the house watched The Patriot, but it just wasn't in the mood for Erin, Erich and I, who chatted until Erich took off. Erin and I then watched the end of Stargate SG-1 (which was a clips episode, so she doesn't feel bad about missing most of) and then some of Farscape. At some point during Farscape, Christy showed up randomly, which was endless amounts of fun. (I actually knew she was coming, but she wanted to keep it a surprise.) Then Ocean's 11 was watched, because one can never watch too much Ocean's 11. Estimated end-of-day: Approx. 3 a.m.

SATURDAY: Estimated start of day: Approx. 11 a.m. (I was awake at 9 or so when Christy left that morning, but only for a couple of minutes...) Consciousness was gained on Erin's couch, which is becoming one of my favorite places to sleep (I kid you not, that thing is insanely comfortable) and the house was waking up. Louis had slept downstairs, and Sherrie and Megan were already up, with Erin just waking up. Ian arrived shortly. Waffles were made with Megan's new waffle maker. They were tasty AND delicious. An attempt was made to find interesting television. This resulted in approximately 20 minutes of the Mortal Kombat movie being watched before common sense kicked it. We then put on The Enforcer, which stars Jet Li. It was entertaining, although not thoroughly so. Erin passed out and slept on the couch for much of it. People came and went while she slept and I watched. Eventually, she woke back up, we chatted for a bit, then she got ready for work while I watched the Behind the Movie for Top Gun, which amused me to no end. (Hearing director Tony Scott talk about writing a $25,000 check to get an aircraft carrier captain to get a single shot, and then having the check bounce, was hysterical.) But alas all good things must come to an end, and Erin had to go to work, so I hopped in the car and began the long drive. From Santa Cruz to Sacramento I drove, making a stop to acquire lunch along the way. Once in Sacramento, I found Sacramento Theatre Company and was met by Greg and Liz and we watched "Tea," an interesting play about Japanese brides of Americans in the Midwest between World War II and Vietnam. It was an insightful show, although the opening scene is far too jarring and far too much out of context with the rest of the show. I enjoyed it on the whole, although there were some moments that dragged or could have been sharpened. It was about culture differences, relationships and a ton of other things that I could probably go into a great more detail about were I that much more coherent, but I'm failing on that level. After the show, we caught dinner at Tapa's, and then went back to Greg and Liz's, where we talked into EARLY morning. I mean, seriously... EARLY morning. Estimated end-of-day: Approx. 8 a.m.

SUNDAY: Estimated start of day: Approx. 3:30 p.m. (Seriously...) We arose in the late afternoon and bummed around the house for a while, with Christy coming over after her show wrapped. Pancakes were made and partially consumed (which was funny, it being the afternoon). Super Mario World was played on SNES and it was realized that we're all very rusty. After a while, it was time to take leave of Greg and Liz and leave them to their own lives, so Christy and I took off and went to have Mongolian BBQ, because goddamnit, ya just can't get enough Mongolian BBQ. After spending a couple of hours in the joint (and me consuming enough water to fill a small lake), we headed back to Greg and Liz's to pick up my car. I required their facilities and used them (because of said water) and then we went over to Christy's house to hang for a little while. "A little while" turned into an all-night conversation that concluded over a cheesesteak and French Toast Sticks (it's amazing what you can get at drive through's these days) and I am, in fact, not concluded with this day yet, as I'm in the office and running on a completely screwed timeclock. My body's like "Where the fuck are we? Beruit? Tibet? Zimbabwe? What's going on here?" so I'm just riding with the punches and rolling out the day. Or is that reversed? I can't tell anymore. Dozens of new and upcoming injokes were made between Christy and I, and they will be debuting in a conversation near you sometime soon. All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, spent with wonderful friends. My thanks go out to my hosts -- Erin, Greg, Liz and Christy. This next weekend, dear Lord, I think everyone should just come to MY place instead, before I pass out and die, or before my car screams and kills me. I put an estimated 375 miles on my car this weekend. Seriously, my ass was on the drive train. The vehicle was in motion a lot. I was getting up and going. Doing the old zipperoonie. Something like that. I feel major league drained, but I had tons'o'fun and remember why my weekends rock so much. Still, gals and guy, seriously, seriously, like, can everyone come up to my place this next time? Maybe this weekend or the next? Unless of course the field trip gets off the ground, in which case, y'know, then we're good to go. Although we'll have to figure out who's car we're packing into. Mine's clean. Not kidding. You could ride in it and not worry about the creature from the black lagoon trying to take over your soul. But if we want to take someone else's car, you know I'm down for that too. We'll keep hammering plans on that, though, so that's good. Let's get it all settled and quick. Estimated end-of-day: Approx. 6 p.m. (still forthcoming)

The time is now 11:05 a.m., meaning I will be in the office approximately 4 more hours before I go home, put the cell on the charger, lay down, pet Marx for 30 seconds and then sleep for around 12-14 hours. Should you encounter an emergency that requires my immediate attention, run it through the Five Level Disaster Scale and if it doesn't come up a 4 or higher, fuggedaboutit. To determine how it falls on the Five Level Disaster scale, add one point for each things said disaster has: *Is it going to change my life? *Is it a positive disaster? *Will the reprecussions be felt for many months? *Does it involve "Naked Timeā„¢"? *Will other people be talking about in a few days? *Can I make a difference? *Would I really want to? *Is there PIE involved? *Would Kevin Smith make a documentary on it? *Can you convince me that I want to help? *Can I help? *Is there something in it for me? -- got 4 points or more? If so, call me. If not, it'll keep...

NOW PLAYING: Spiritualized - "Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space"
Lyics: "All I want in life's a little bit of love / To take the pain away / Getting strong today / A giant step each day/ All I want in life's a little bit of love / To take the pain away / Getting strong today / A giant step each day..."


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