Wednesday, January 01, 2003

The party is done. All has passed. Dave is asleep on the floor. E and Sean and Amber/Aurora have gone home, much to my disappointment. Greg and Liz left hours ago. Joe and Lara are asleep in their room. Christy kicked me out of my own room and is asleep in my bed. I will shortly go and pass out on the couch, where sleep will be had (at least some).

The AIM account is done for the night. Liz and Greg took the camera with them. As of last check, there were 160 comments on our big thread, plus forum posts and AIM conversations, not to mention the IRC channel we apparently got ourselves into. I'll try to make a big reckoning for you all in the future, but I make no promises.

Was it a good New Year's Party? I like to think so. Is it a shame it ended? I'm sure. Will The Touched be bigger, better and badder in the new year? I can only hope, Bubba, I can only hope. And no one can tell you what the future holds. All I can promise is it's chaotic. Such is life, my friend, such is life....

I'm sobering up, in case you care (which you don't, but fuck it, I wanted to say it anyway) and I will soon be asleep, which is probably the best thing for me at this point. I may consume some snack foods and a bottle of water first though, as a precautionary measure.

Tomorrow I am going to see "Catch Me If You Can" even if I have to see the fucking thing by myself. I'm tired of waiting for other people. Enough of this gracious shit, I wanna see the fucking movie, so everyone can kiss my ass.

I realize I was probably not the most polite drunk as you were all suspecting, but such is life. I'm mostly sober now, and that's way it goes. So as I turn all the lights off, I want to say this last little speech that I was going to make a toast with, but didn't get a chance to tonight:

"2002 was certainly the most chaotic year of my life thusfar. The ups were way ups, the downs were way downs. I met some of the most incredible people ever, and they both improved my life and gave me more shit to worry about. Whenever I thought I knew which way the wind blew, it changed. But that's okay, because it's good to have a little chaos in your life. I hope that the friends remain, the chaos stabilizes a little, that the good continues and gets better, that the bad fades away and is forgotten, and I hope that all is well for all those I know and love. (Yes, that means almost all of you at the party, you idiotic bastards.) If there's anything I can do to make this next year better, you let me know. If I'm making it worse, tell me and I'll try and stop. But above all, may we live in interesting times with each other. That's all anyone can ask for. Salut."

And that's all I have to say until the sun actually rises from its grave and shines light on the new year. I'm not actually listening to this song, but it sticks with me nevertheless...

NOW PLAYING: Counting Crows - "A Long December"
Lyrics: "It's been / a long December / and there's reason to believe / maybe this year will be / better than the last..."

EDIT: Addendum: For those of you who missed our party, feel free to check out the time-lapse video one of Greg's fans put up about the party... go and get the most recent DivX codec and then get the file here... For people who were at the party, if you can't get it to work, let me know and I'll email you the file. I saved it already. We were indeed funny people.


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