Tuesday, December 31, 2002

We promised you webcasting, we give you webcasting. The camera is not yet live, but you can find it here:
Check out our annual New Year's Party!

Now, granted, the party hasn't actually begun yet, so there's nothing to see there right now, but as of about 9 p.m., it will be. The party actually starts earlier, but Greg and Liz are coming down and they need to hook up the camera, as, well, it's their camera. As for Two Drink Minimum, that's the name of the new comic book studio founded by the bunch of us. We're getting closer to sending off our first proposal and I'm in the writeup stages of the second one, so it shouldn't be long now. Soon we will be rich and powerful and no one will be able to stop us.... that's right, no one...

Okay, so my hopes are set a little high, but y'know, that's life for you. We are expecting approximately 20 people, give or take a dozen. Our parties don't typically cease until it seems like the world is ready to end, and I haven't seen a good apocalypse in some time, so we should be good to go on that account. It's been three years since Joe and I last held a New Year's party, and the last one we had is still talked about from time to time, so I have every intention to see this one be just as epic. And they're typically a tradition with us, so be prepared to see another one next year, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

What exactly happens at our New Year's Parties? I can't promise these things, but you may see them: action, adventure, excitement, drama, romance, chaos, mayhem, carnage, madness, double madness, sanity, ubersanity, riots, looting, people on top of the roof screaming "I am a golden god!", epic combat, video gaming battles, anime, oddities and space oddities...

I can't promise you much, but I'm pretty sure I can promise a good time will be had by all. I think I can promise you that.


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