Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Welcome to the afternoon. This is, in fact, the afternoon portion of our show. I don't have a whole lot entertaining to write, but I do feel the need to write something, so here I am, producing content for your entertainment and amusement. I wouldn't want you to think we're all slacking here, so for your enjoyment, I will now sing.

*crickets chirping*

Or not.

I'm thinking about writing an online piece of serial fiction, maybe where I post a few pages once a week on here. Think you'd be interested in seeing something like that? Drop something in the comments box if you'd actually be intrigued in seeing something like that. Serial fiction is a fun concept because typically you set out without any idea of where you're going. It's a dangerous form of writing, because you generally don't have a whole storyline in mind, just general concepts. I have the concept in mind and if you people think you'd like to read something like that, maybe I'll do it. It would be fantasy (I'm taking a break from writing sci-fi for the moment, although if it turns out that I do start writing this serial fiction thing and people want a second one, I could easily juggle two, and I have a sci-fi idea still lingering in my head...) and I have the characters in mind and the first few pages will practically write themselves. But if you don't want to read them, I don't want to force them upon you. So lemme know what you all think about this idea.

Anyhow, I'm going to go get myself some more water to drink and then maybe do something highly impossible. We'll see. It sounds... draining.

NOW PLAYING: Dave Matthews Band - "Big Eyed Fish"
Lyrics: "But oh God/ Under the weight of life/ Things seem brighter on the other side ... / Oh God / Under the weight of life / Things seem so much better on the other side ... / No way, no way / No way out of here ... "


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