Monday, November 04, 2002

Boy, we've been lame lately, in our not-posting strangeness.

Allow me to fill my gap, in this random moment that I have right now, while I wait for Cliff to show up so we can take turns beating each other up. ^^

Hmm... so what to talk about... not much exciting has really been happening lately in my life. I've been keeping fairly busy with my classes, work, and rehersal. I'm a little worried about the play I'm in right now. We open next week, on Friday to be precise, but as of last week's rehersals, people were still on book (reading off their scripts), and people still didn't know their cues and blocking. Some of the main actors haven't showed up to the last 2 or 3 rehersals, and it's still feeling very haphazard and not very tight or ready at all. This has me a bit worried, but I think we still might be able to pull it together, if everyone works their asses off this week, before dress rehersals start. *sigh* I just have to believe it'll work out.

In other new, I might have gotten myself a role in a small independent movie, being filmed this spring in San Jose. I still haven't read the script, mosly cause I'm lame and haven't just sat myself down and said, "READ THIS, DAMMIT!" But that's just my own stupid fault. It's a small role, a talk show host, but it looks interesting. ^^

My housemates and I are all terribly busy this month, what with rehersals for me and Sherrie, and Megan is busy with work and her classes. We don't hang out as much as we did at the beginning of the year, which sucks, but really, we're busy for good reasons, and that's okay. We'll probably all have a lot of December to hang out and play, so we'll make up for lost time. ^^

Halloween for me was very fun. I managed to finish my ninja costume the week before, so I had it all ready and pretty for Halloween. We walked around in Downtown Santa Cruz, which turns into one big party for Halloween, and saw many strange and wonderful costumes. I decided that I wanted to be a little sexy in my costume, so I just wore a bodysuit I have (combined tank top and shorts) instead of the loose black pants I was going to wear, and thus froze my ass off throughly. I was lucky though, Megan was in stilleto heels, and she could barely walk by the end of the evening. I was just freaking cold. ^^

It was amusing though, I painted my nails black for the costume, and I didn't take it off until later, so I felt rather goth for the later part of last week, walking around with black nails, the remnants of my black eye makeup (I swear, the stuff takes 2 showers to be completely removed from my face), and then working on the logo for the comic (which is also dark and mildly goth), Cliff said I should be listening to The Cure, and I felt like I at least needed to be wearing one article of leather clothing. ^^

Anyway, that's all the excitement lately. Now all we need is an update from Liz and Greg-tron, and of course Mr. Dave, and we'll look like we're trying again. ^^

Go... find some other website to stare at blankly. ^^


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