Friday, August 30, 2002

Wow, my complaints about no sleep really sound meaningless next to all this...

I'm still sleep deprived (the sun's up, and I beat it by about 45 minutes...), but I'll go ahead and throw in my two cents anyway. You guys can chew my head off when I get home for butting my head in. If I'm conscious.

Lizzie, I'm going to agree with Cliff about the talking with Tony thing. Before hand though, I suggest the removal of all sharp and/or pointy objects from the room. Just a precaution. All joking aside, having every view is very important, and it helps everyone to have a clear head. Though I'm going to side with you on the decorating bit, I'd go nuts if I couldn't put stuff on the walls.

You know what? I could give a shitload of blah advice, but I'm not going to. My sleep deprived brain couldn't handle it at the moment, and there's no point. So I'm going to say this: Lizzie, Greg, you both need to do whatever it takes for both of you to be comfortable and happy. It might hurt at first, and life might suck for awhile, but if you need to do it, do it. I also offer my Santa Cruz home (when I get back into it... ) for a mini-break whenever you guys need one. There's not a ton of room, but if you guys need it, it's yours. And there's nothing like Santa Cruz's beaches and woods for a relaxing time.

That all being said, I think I'm going to go throw up now. And then pass out... I feel like crap...


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