Friday, August 30, 2002

I realize I am the worst person to offer relationship advice. I realize I am the worst person to offer advice on how to cope with roommates and whatnot. I realize I am the worst person to possibly think they have a solution to any of this.

That said, here's the shape of my head on this right now...

You need to do what it takes to keep you happy. If it means that you and Greg can't be together for a little while, then you may have to make that sacrifice. Nothing is forever. Remember that. NOTHING is FOREVER. All the good, all the bad, everything passes in time. If you wait long enough, things will change one way or another. But you need to be strong. I know you can be strong, you do have it in you, Liz.

I talked to Greg a little last night. Hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to him some more this weekend, because he and I were only beginning in the conversation, nowhere near the end of it.

If you guys have to, you're more than welcome to move in with me for a while. I realize, this moves you away from your jobs and away from Sac, but you at least know I'm more than willing to let you decorate the apartment, have dishes, have your cat, and I can even let you guys crash with me free for a while so you can get back on your feet. I told Greg this and I'm telling you this. I know I'm certainly not the most appealing option, but I am an option. I am there for my friends when they need help. If you two think getting out of Sac. and down to the Bay would help, by all means, come on down. You can either stay in the spare bedroom at my current place for free for a while or we can all go out looking for a new, even bigger place. Or if you need to come down on your own, Liz, that's fine too. I will do whatever I can to help. I'm there for you two however you think I can help.

It's going to sound odd, Liz, but maybe just you and Tony should sit down and talk about the whole thing. Explain to him your side and listen to his. I know it sounds like a tough thing to do, but the right things in life are never easy to do. Try and hammer out the problems between you and him; see if you can come to some kind of understanding on the matter. They probably don't hate you. They may be unhappy with you, but I don't think they hate you. Try explaining to Tony why you're unhappy, what's bothering you about the whole thing. Just you and him, no one else, because the two of you are really the ones with the problems. Greg is sort of just caught in the middle, and either way he plays this, things aren't going to go great. But if you and Tony sit down and talk things over, maybe you can at least understand the problems the other is having.

Anyhow, I can't do a lot from here, but you know I'll always do what I can. You can come down and hang out with me if you need to, call if you need to, whatever... just let me know how I can help and I'll be happy to do so. That's what friends are for, and don't be too proud to ask for help if I can help in any way, shape or form. I'm always too proud to ask for help and it's my major failing in life. So if I can help you guys out, just ask...


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