Monday, July 23, 2007

San Diego Comic Con approaches. Today I have to get my things together, get the bag packed, get ready to get going. It's going to be an odd year, but I always look forward to it. This year, I'm going to get my Transmetropolitan page signed, which means a lot to me. It's already signed by the artist, obviously, but I'm going to get Warren Ellis's signature on it. Ellis is perhaps one of my favorite writers working today, simply because he approaches everything with such a mad-scientist glee. People who dabble in sci-fi have a tendency to get stodgy, overly serious, as if Neuromancer set our entire sci-fi generation to bleak. And don't get me wrong - I love me some William Gibson (but not all Gibson ... some of his books just don't work for me) but I like to see a bit of mirth among the madness. Maybe that's why I like what Philip K. Dick I've read -- that sense that these are real people, and that people tend to keep a little humor around them. Transmetropolitan was like that for me.

Beyond that, I'm going to get to meet Joseph Michael Linsner, and get my copy of Dawn signed. Joe's another guy I have a lot of admiration for, not because he draws beautiful women (which he does, certainly) but because he's great at writing a story that is both epic and personal, that is both massive and intimate. While I wasn't incredibly impressed with Dawn book 2 (I liked it, but it didn't move me), both book 1 and 3 were phenomenal works that hold a very special place in my heart. It'll be nice to tell him so.

Last but not least, there's always the chance I could stumble into someone who'll give me a shot at writing a script for a comic, or at least explain to me how one goes about auditioning for the gig. Or maybe I'll find an artist who's willing to take one or two of my ideas and try and put them into a book, so I can just go straight to Image and say "Here we are, we're fucking brilliant, so print it already!" Ah, it's nice to dream...

I leave Wednesday evening and will return Sunday evening. Hopefully there isn't too much chaos while I am away (of course there won't be -- I take all the chaos with me), and when I return, I am off to see the Smashing Pumpkins at the Fillmore the very next night. Talk about your whirlwind weeks. I think sooner or later this fall I'm going to take a day off that's mine to do absolutely nothing... and do absolutely nothing with it. Ha!

Now playing: "Nobody Girl" by Ryan Adams

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