At last! The photos are going up! 499 pictures to date! I really haven't had time, nor wanted to take the time to cull the mass of bad/blurry pictures, turn the panorama shots into one shot, etc to drop the count down, but people keep after me bout getting my shots up. No captions yet. Those will come after I get back home, and can think a bit about what I've done vs. wondering what the hell I'm gona do today, and where the hell I'm gona sleep.
This post brought to you from a manga kisa. The greatest thing to ever hit someone who can't find an F'ing room at a motel under $100.
Oh, and have I gone native yet Cliff? ^^
This post brought to you from a manga kisa. The greatest thing to ever hit someone who can't find an F'ing room at a motel under $100.
Oh, and have I gone native yet Cliff? ^^
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