Monday, February 10, 2003

Okay, since no one's posted in awhile, I figured I might as well fill in some space.

So, what's new in my life? Not too much, but what little has been new is fun and cool in a spiffy sort of way.

Chronologically, let's start with Friday. So Friday at 1pm, I had my Senior Comprehensive Orals. Big title for "fifteen minutes of sheer panic and terror". Basically, I had to get up in front of a panel of three of the teachers at my school, and justify my last 3 1/2 years here, so they can decide whether or not I should graduate. Always fun. But I did it, and they seemed to enjoy my performance. Since I have an acting focus, I talked about my experiences and performed some monologues. They loved the last one I did, which was Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream, my favorite Shakespeare play. Overall, it was a success, and I believe I'll be graduating with the rest of my class.

On to Saturday. An overall fun day, with Cliff making a guest appearance as Wise and Scary Fencing teacher. I now have videotape of him and my friend Erich going at it with large sticks. After the fun of beating each other, I disappeared to film my very first commercial! ^^ Yes, that's right kids, now you get to suffer through seeing me on tv as well as on this site! ^^ I filmed a commercial for the Marijuana Policy Project, a group supporting medical marijuana. The commercials will air on the east coast first, and then travel across the country. For more info (and the scripts if you're really bored, I'm in the one entitled "Priorities") take a gander at The Marijuana Policy Project, and see if you want to support them, or me, or something. The commercials should be online at some point, I'll keep you guys informed.

Anyway, now I must get ready for class. So I will return later. Maybe. If I feel so inclined...



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