Wednesday, January 08, 2003

So, just to post and not be a lame ass, I would like to let you all know of the latest news in my world.

My foot hurts.

No, I'm serious! This is driving me crazy! My foot, for no apparent reason, is killing me. It feels like I have an extra bone sticking out right below my big toe before the arch, and it hurts. Luckily, I can walk with out a problem, but it's a dull ache that really sucks.

I've also started working out regularly, with the exercise ball that Christy gave me, so I'm a little sore from all of that. I'd go on a diet, but my college student status makes regular eating really, really hard, so I'm hoping exercise will be enough for awhile. Liz, we can encourage each other in our efforts to be healthier. ^^

Though, I won't run. I'm allergic to running. I only run when chased by large, scary people with weaponry. Or to chase large, scary people with weaponry *in my hand*. ^^

Oops... class...


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