Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Hahaha...what the FUCK am I doing up at this time of night (or would you consider it day)? Anyways I thought i'd rant before I went to bed.

It appears by some weird twist of fate (and luck I'm guessing). Penn and Teller are getting a TV show on Showtime. You got me how the hell they got it, but I allready got my Ultimate TV setup to record it. I believe they said it begins on the 24th of January so it'll be something to check out at least once. The shows name however will be Penn & Teller's Bullshit...so I shall be watching that for certain.

Otherwise 24 is FINALLY picking back up today *joy*! Was wondering for the first week why my UTV didn't pick up any episodes, but found out a while later, but blah blah, jack will be back :D


"And then there was sleep to be had."


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