Monday, January 06, 2003

New Ataris album, "So Long, Astoria," is due out March 4th! Woohoo! I've listened to two of the songs (that they posted up at and I've been digging them nonstop. Good shit. The first single, "In This Diary," is the kind of song the Ataris have gotten great at over the years -- growing up, getting older and yet not losing faith that everything'll be okay. I'm not sure I buy entirely into the song, but what the hell, it's nice to have a little optimism from time to time, even if the suit doesn't fit me.

Finally saw "Catch Me If You Can" although I'd kinda like to see it again. It's an interesting film. Not quite as much comedy as I expected, but still very enjoyable. (Not quite as good as the book, though.) I still have to see "Gangs of New York" and a ton of other things...

Not much to report on today. Maybe I'll have something interesting to say tomorrow.

NOW PLAYING: The Ataris - "In This Diary"
Lyrics: "Being grown up isn't / half as fun as growing up / These are the best days of our lives... / The only thing that matters is / Just following your heart / And eventually you'll finally get it right... / Get it right..."


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