Friday, January 10, 2003

Bah... word in the underground is that UPN has passed on Firefly. The production team is now moving its pitch over towards The Sci-Fi channel. Nothing confirmed, of course, but that's what the rumor mill seems to be saying...

Addendum: Crap, it's official...UPN's passed on Firefly....

NOW PLAYING: Third Eye Blind - "God Of Wine"
Lyrics: "Every glamorous sunrise, / Throws the planets out of line, / A star sign out of whack, / A fraudulent zodiac. / And the God of Wine is crouched down in my room, / You let me down, I said it, / Now I'm going down, / And you're not even around./ And I said no... / I can't keep it all together, / I know... / I can't keep it all together..."


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