Friday, August 12, 2005

So it's rush hour on 101. I'm a past 84, so traffic is going along at a relatively brisk 45 miles an hour. I'm about to get on the 85 onramp when I notice this rapidly approaching spot in my rear view--it's a big red Explorer, weaving like crazy and trying to kiss my rear bumper. Aggravated a little, I ease off the gas (speed of traffic was about 50, I kept doing 45) and the guy quickly veers off into the left lane. Where the driver to my left looks at me, then drops from going 50 to 45. Which traps the asshole Explorer behind him and next to me.

I decide to play a little bit.

I speed up to about 55, to close the gap to the car in front of me. I pull about half a car length ahead of the guy on my left...

and the Explorer instantly changes lanes and hits the gas.

So I slow to 45, while the guy on my left speeds up to around 55 or so, and pulls about a car length ahead of me. And of course, the Explorer, which is almost touching my car, peels left.

The driver to my left slows... and I speed up a little...

I almost regretted having to take my exit and cease my tormenting of that ass.

Does this make me a bad person, or just a jerk?


Blogger C said...

It makes you able to read patterns of other drivers, and in this case, evil was necessary.

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF you had been in So. Cal. he might have pulled a gun, so be careful in your evilness!

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that's awesome. I bow to your improv driving skills. ^_^

3:10 PM  
Blogger Devinoch said...

I swear, there are only three classes of California drivers... good ones, shitty ones and DEAD ones...

12:33 PM  

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