Monday, June 20, 2005

So uh... I didn't remember posting my last post on the Touched until I read it again today. Oddly enough, what I DO remember is thinking to myself "Ben, you know better than to post on the internet when you're this drunk. You either come off as an attention whore or an idiot the next morning - don't do it!" - so what convinced me last minute I don't know.

Anyrate, two weeks later Yuko now has an apartment in Berkely, and it is large and nice. There are some really old homes across the street that look like castles, and her own building has some distinction to it as well. The only thing that gets to me is that it's old, which makes it sort of creepy walking down the halls in that "Shining" sort of way.

Speaking of which, I couldn't sleep last night - and I think it's easiest to say one of the reasons was I was scared of the dark in that if I hear anything creak or twitch at all I'm wide eyed looking around going "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!". You figure at my age I would have finally gotten over my childhood bedtime manner of expecting something to lurch out and try and eat me as I'm falling asleep. (The other reasons I probably didn't sleep was yesterday the weather was totally awesome, I had a great drive to Berkely and back - and even more fun breaking in the apartment - and overall just was in a good mood and trying to figure out the universe in a neo falling asleep at his computer sort of way).

But suffice to say, the lack of sleep took it's toll on me today when I was walking into the grocery store to deposit my paycheck when I realized I had been wearing my shirt backwards all morning.


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