Friday, October 03, 2003

Just for those that wish to be on the "down low" as the "hip kidz" say I’ve known Cliff quite a while before anyone else here and I was one of the first he bounced the idea of this off of if I’m coherently thinking. Funny how I originally thought this whole group blog thing was a horrid waste of time I could never really enjoy. Still a waste of time but it's enjoyable none-the-less usually. It's always nice though that people actually feel that our insignificant, random, and fairly pointless lives are significant enough for them to read let alone COMMENT on. If people feel our blog is with something? Cool! If not? Fine by me! I never knew who they were before they posted into our comments on here or cared and I still won't after they leave. Don't let the door hit ya where [insert your god with a bigger dick here] split ya! I'll keep doing my thing and living my life without someone else's opinion's on my life.

Though this is a blog. People are never consistent. It's not fun that way. Consistency is for utilities of which haven't been all that consistent that lately as many people on the East Coast and those in California could tell you some time ago or can some still? It's kind of hard to keep on stuff going on there with the circus going on there.

I have never understood why many people get so irritated by something someone else says though. Hell I should know. I get irritated by some of the utterly moronic things people say and rarely been able to say that blowing off steam at said person has made me feel better or that the steam was really legitimate, but it sure has made me feel good a couple times like painting someone’s truck a new color with paintballs for reasons that wouldn't make sense the next day.

And what the hell is this that people are all up in shits about with "self help?" I know I'm stealing this from a comedian whos name begins with "George" and ends with "Carlin," but screw you I will steal it because I was thinking it before I heard it. Once you tell someone what your problem is or read a self help book it is no longer self help and that help is a fraud the moment someone calls that brand of help, self help because people want the delusions that they actually helped themselves. Though it could just be my psychotic delusions there because after all. Sanity is only what the majority of people think of as sanity.

I have been pretty intrigued with many peoples fetish with wanting to be as perfect as they can be to the point of asking others what their flaws are. Asking people such questions have never lead to a good thing. You just end up in the end being pissed at the person that said you have a problem. It's not a whole lot of fun being around people though that are attempting to be a Mother Teresa. It's probably like being around her. Damn boring and you'll be looking for the escape hatch at 1,000 feet without a parachute. But everyone has to crack eventually when they try to nice and it's even less fun to be around them when they do crack. Even worse than when they were treeing to put themselves into the books as one of the nicest people in the known universe. But Have fun, cause friction, kill a kitten, fire a BFG, and run like hell.


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