Thursday, October 02, 2003

Me thinks that no one reads this blog anymore. We don't have as many comments as we once did.

What happened to Erin? One day she thinks she is stupid, the next she is happy about a job interview.

What is going on in Cliff's realm?

When is the house warming party for Keith? Sat or Sun?

Why did we give Dave access to this blog? hmmmmm? JK!

Christy, how is the house hunt going?

Oh BTW! Cliff yelled at me today for passing along a very touching e-mail to him. In the text it said that it was written by George Carlin. Well it obviously WASN'T written by George Carlin. It just didn't have his flavor. But I send it on to Cliff anyways because I care about him and I think he would feel that it had some really good points to it. And what does Cliff do? He sends me a reply and says,

" Not, in fact, George Carlin...

Cliff Hicks "

He missed the truly beautiful part of the entire e-mail and YELLED at me about it!!!!! That's the last time that I share something that almost makes me cry with Mr. Cliff Hicks! No no.. I am just going to keep sending you pictures of guys with their ball sacks hanging out and penis trees. THAT'S ALL!

Anyways... my mind was running in circles yesterday (this is why I'm prone to over-think everything.) and I wanted to ask if there was anything that any of you truly disliked about me. Albeit everyone has their quirks that sometimes cause friction, but I just want to make sure that I'm not going to end up like my sister. She has a terrible temper and everyone just "puts up" with her because she is family, but they never say anything to her that might make her realize this. I want to be remembered as one of the sweetest women that anyone has ever met. The kind that would make you chicken soup if you were sick or give you good advice from the heart. Isn't that anyone's dream? I don't even have to be as angelic as all that. I just don't want to pass away someday and be remembered as "the bitch".


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