Friday, August 29, 2003

Thought I'd do a little catch up.

I've been up to the usual exploring bit, with Wednesday spent traveling by train for 14 hours. I saw most of northe eastern Switzerland that way, and it was very nice. Today, we're up in the mountain apartment, and watching the thunderstorms roll by the mountains. Lovely.

The most annoying thing about this whole trip is the fact that I absolutely can not get regular water to drink. All people drink around here is sparkling mineral water, and I can't stand the stuff. I mean, I'll drink it, because I need the water, but it just tastes odd to me...

I've been having vivid dreams though. I wonder if that's a side effect of sparkling water...

Monday it's off to southern Switzerland to visit my godbrother Cliff. Not to be mistaken for the Cliff on this blog. They are completely different. COMPLETELY. Trust me on this.

Anyway, off to weather watch. ^^


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