Wednesday, July 09, 2003


What are the implications? Velveteen electrical reaction? A creation made within the mind that brings the inanimate to life? And with such ability comes the responsibility to care for the well-being of self-wrought puppetry? How does one handle a creation that has become alive?

Magical, alive, and dependant purely upon thy own will.

Thus one might become a creator of things. Things which follow the whims of our desires, the flights of our fancies. Things that put forth our will upon an unsuspecting world. Care must be taken, that the Velveteen might act in ways we do not anticipate. The mind has depths and wills we can only barely fathom, the predictability of our conscious mind is a luxury.

Be careful of our minds shadows. They move when we aren't looking, through vassals and puppets we rarely suspect.

Always place your mind's toys back where they belong.

Back into The Box.


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