Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Sorry there was no Barrenhollow today, but I had a bit of news that made the day a bit more chaotic. No doubt some of you have heard, but the studio I used to work at, Westwood Studios, is closing. You can read the whole story here.

Obviously, I can't really say anything, but I'm sad to see such a prestigious studio close its doors. Despite some of the frustrations I had in working there, I did have a great deal of fun as well. Still, the Command & Conquer franchise will go on, and hopefully we'll see many of the very talented people Westwood has either working at the new LA studio or getting other work elsewhere in the industry. There were a lot of wonderful people down at Westwood and I wish them only the best in wherever they land.

Sorry if I'm a little bleak about it, but it's always sad to see a place you worked at shut its doors.


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