Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Good god! How the hell do they make ONE football game last for so long? I figured if I let the game run for 3 hours I could just skip over the game and get to the commercials but nooooooooooooooo...the damn game had to get in the way of me watching my commercials...Now don't this sound outrageously unlike me to fast-foreword thru what I'm supposed to be watching to the commercials? Who won anyways? I wasn't paying attention...oh yea...the Bucks...good job...bring better commercials next year please!

But on I go to another subject of importance to me. I found Direct Connect last week...my 40gig partition of my 80gig hard drive I slaved to ONLY Direct Connect only has 5gis left...I never knew I could download so much anime in a period of a week and a half...Of which now I have every episode to Gundam Seed, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (not as bad as people were telling me it was *shrug*), Vandread (both seasons come tomorrow), Hellsing (all of it come tomorrow), almost all of .hack, the majority of Wild Arms the Anime (that one took me by surprise), and OOooooooooooooooooo so many more. Of all the stuff I've been downloading I found one gem, one nugget, one diamond in the rough that just made me say "Holy Shit!!!" (Besides Gundam Seed...bite me...I LOVE BIG FUCKING ROBOTS!!!) Of which is Macross Zero. Ohhhhhh so pretty and Macrossy...Macross Zero did lead to one low point though...the point to where the Episode ended...I was presented with a sad message at the end that said Next Episode Spring of 2003 *cries.* If anyone wishes to get some of my newly acquired Anime love you should know how to get ahold of me...Now to buy that 120gig I saw at Frys so I can begin to fill it up =)



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