Thursday, January 23, 2003

nireechan: lol, I love Megan.
nireechan: She's like, "I'm going to attack Mordor today."
Quietform: Heh.
nireechan: Sherrie and I blink for a minute before we realize she's going to clean out the downstairs closet.
nireechan: I wished her luck with that... cause you know, those orc armies are a bitch.
Quietform: God help her.
nireechan: Yup.
Quietform: I wouldn't wish that fate upon my worst enemies.
nireechan: Luckily, we already know how this battle finishes.
nireechan: It's not that bad...
nireechan: Though we named it Mordor for a reason.
Quietform: My point.
nireechan: lol
Quietform: Give her some kind of weapon to keep on hand at all times.
nireechan: lol, that would be the Lysol spray
Quietform: Lysol kills orcs?
nireechan: *nods solemnly.
Quietform: If only the elves had known...
nireechan: State secret, don't spread it around.
Quietform: Well, I haven't seen many people with orc problems lately, so it can't be that much of a secret.
nireechan: Eh, they don't pester the population much.
Quietform: Unlike dragons, who are becoming the new cockroch.
Quietform: cockroach, even.
nireechan: They keep getting their asses handed to them, so they cut back on invasions and the like.
nireechan: Yeah, pesky dragons.
Quietform: Or zombies. God help me, if I have one more zombie problem, I'm gonna go dig up every graveyard and cremate everyone to save myself the headaches.
nireechan: Oh, you haven't heard of the new Zombie repellant?
Quietform: Dare I ask?
nireechan: Awesome little thing, shaped like a little crypt. Zombie walk in, are repelled by it, but bring the zombie poison back to the nest and kill the nest.
Quietform: Yeah, I tried using that stuff on our ant problem, but all I got were 300-foot killer ants, and the last thing I need are zombies that size....
nireechan: Oh... good point...
nireechan: Well, there was a powder I found...
Quietform: I think it's the radioactive elements they were using... it just doesn't seem smart to me to hit ants with utonium.
Quietform: A powder you say?
nireechan: *nodnod*
nireechan: Good stuff, haven't had a problem since I used it.
Quietform: What is it?
nireechan: Then again, with the bodies hidden all over the house, they tend not to bug us anyway.
nireechan: Not sure... dried holy water, I believe.
nireechan: Effective stuff.
Quietform: I suppose. We get all sorts of supernatural problems around the house... dragons, zombies... goblins... christ, I could do without goblins....
nireechan: Get your own house dwarves. Dork and Dorby do a good job keeping the goblins to a minimum.
Quietform: At least the warding spell I cast last week is keeping the demons out... I got tired of waking up every morning to some schmuck saying "So, about your soul?" "I told you, it ain't for sale! Fuck off!"
Quietform: I think I may just teach Marx to hunt and eat goblins.
Quietform: I mean, Marx dealt with the rampant werechicken problem I had back when I lived in Vegas, so I think goblins should be no sweat.
nireechan: Not really his favorite food.
nireechan: Werechickens? O_o
Quietform: Trust me, you don't know pain in the ass until you know werechickens.
nireechan: *finally loses it and falls off her chair laughing.*
Quietform: Half-human, half-chicken, all attitude... you have no idea how deadly a beak on a 6'5" creature can be.... they taste nothing like chicken, though, which is strange.
Quietform: I mean... they're not ALL werechickens, techinically....
Quietform: You want to get technical about it, you have werehens and werecocks, but that just sounds .... odd.
nireechan: *dies*


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