Monday, January 20, 2003

You know, there are days when I love our police force, and then there are days when I just hate them.

Today, I hate them.

Why? Cause I got a ticket. What other reason would I have for being mad at them?

What really has me steamed is this: I got a ticket for an unsafe lane change! Apparently, I made the lady behind me hit her brakes when I changed lanes. When I changed lanes, I admit, I was a little close. But I could see both headlights in my mirror, and the only reason I was changing lanes was so that the cop wouldn't notice me in the fast lane (I was going 60mph, for the record, way under the speed limit, and yes, I'm sure, I checked before I changed lanes). So, I'm pissed. And since I got a speeding ticket last April, I can't traffic school this one away. My insurance is already high, because my mother and I got into accidents a few years ago in this car, and so I'm fucked no matter what.

The last two weeks have been the best fucking weeks ever. Shoot me.


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