Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Seeing all the posts below makes me realize how much I miss everybody. I'm always busy (or just tired) that I don't get to see and appreciate all my friends as much as I would want to normally. I wanted to take a second and say something (these are in no particular order):

Christy: I know we've had our differences and problems, but I have to say, you are one of the strongest women I know. You are beautiful, and I could only wish for your steadfastness and memory.

Cliff: You drive me crazy sometimes, but you are still one of my best friends. You are witty, smart, and stubborn as hell, and these are all good things. And while we have our fights (once a year, I believe, is the requirement) I still think of you as a friend, no matter what.

Megan: Ever my delight and my relief, you make me realize that joy needs no reason, only expression. You break down my walls; you are smiles and laughter.

Ian: My sanity (odd, but true) is you. You see through bluffs and anger, and find logic and truth when no one else can, and are illogical in the most delightful ways.

Erich: You are a geek to the extreme, and you make me proud to be one too. I might tease you about it, but really, I'm jealous. You make it a badge of honor.

Sherrie: My sweetheart and solid companion, you take crap from no one, and demand respect, which is how it should be. You are a living Pirate Queen, and I am humbled by your self-confidence.

Michael: A solid rock, and companion to the Queen. Quiet, yet dangerous in your own special way. ^_^ All hail, Lord Vader!

Sean: My brother, and my friend. Some days you're crazy, and some days you're wicked smart. How'd I get so lucky to be related to you?

Elaine: I'm so glad we found you again, because my life just hasn't been the same without you around to make me blush. You are fire: warm, hypnotizing, and dangerously fun.

Dom: You are a special insanity, one that defies logic and reason, but includes high knowledge and wisdom, and it just makes you awesome.

Greg: Funny, smart, and he can cook too (and he knows what a colander is, even if I can't spell it...). Lucky, lucky Liz.

Liz: Smart, sassy, an artist, and a gamer. Fun, bold, confident... Damn, Greg, good job.

Ben: Stay cool. You make life too interesting to stay away too long.

Yuko: I like you. You're fun to hang out with, you're smart, and you can beat the boys at video games.

There are so many others I want to say something to (Kendra: your art is beatiful and inspiring (and while I go home and try, nothing I do compares to your paintings), and you are beautiful and inspiring. Corey: you're a tree, strong and vibrant, and so much fun to be around), but there's only so much space I should steal here. You are all the best bunch of friends anyone could ever have the pleasure of having. And while I haven't mentioned everyone here, I mean it when I say: Everybody, your company is amazing, warm, and dearer to me than you could ever imagine. I've only spoken the truth here, there isn't anything I don't mean. You're all the best friends a girl could have.

I'll see you all again soon, I hope. I may be tired, but I'm not yet dead.


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