Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Goodness, we've been slacking in posts. Thank god for Dev, who manages to make this site look like someone's still alive.

Not that I should be talking, being one of quiet ones...

Anyway, I thought I'd do another update/rant, since I'm long overdue.

I've started my new job (I'm there now, just nothing to do quite yet until a report shows up), and I'm enjoying it very much. It's still the quiet time, when I'm learning the ropes, and I'm sure it will turn into something much more hellish later one, when I'm actually doing the rover thing I'm supposed to do (running around, covering for the other managers when they're out at various companies where we have offices), but for now, it's nice to learn everything in a calm and meandering fashion. The ladies I work with are fantastic, and we talk all the time, and generally enjoy ourselves, which is extremely condusive to a pleasant work environ. ^_^

I just got back from San Antonio, recording the next Gold Digger cartoon, which should be done around the end of the year. It's been awhile since we did the last one, but as usual, it was a ton of fun to go down there and hang with the guys from Antarctic Press. Rod Espinosa, Doug Dlin, and, of course, Fred Perry are all awesome guys, and Lauren Goodnight (my new 'sister'), was a delight to work with. She and I held our own against all the guys, and had a blast doing it. My flight back last Sunday was hellish, if only because I was up at 4:30 central time (2:30am PST), for a 6:30am flight, which was redeemed only by the nice guy sitting next to me, who shared a movie on my DVD player for that flight, and then walked me to my gate. What a gentleman. ^_^ Nicolas, the journalist for the Spanish newspaper in San Antonio, you are a very nice guy, and I wish you the best in Idaho. Whatever you're doing there.

Other than that, things have been pretty normal. I'm recovering from the drama of my brief employment in San Francisco (the commute pretty much killed my brain), and things are going swimmingly. I'm going to start looking at cars soon, as my poor Honda isn't going to last much longer, and the Mazda 3 is still in the lead. If anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to post. ^_^

Damn... that's a long entry... I'll try and post more often, to keep these ramblings to a more decent length.


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