Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I had the coolest dream last night.

See, in the dream, my parents moved to the UK when I was around 4, and we were there for a year. While I was there, I made friends with a boy and a girl in kindergarten. But, I moved back to California, and over the years, I forgot all about them. But upon my return to London at age 19, I discovered that they remembered me--and recruited me into their fight against demons. Oh, and the girl was red-hot. Not that I actually did anything, given that this is ME dreaming here, but I just wanted to mention.

As you can tell, the dream started getting weird and action movie-like from there. See, they were the members of some secret organization or other that wore these marble (yes, marble) armbands, which they clapped together Captain Marvel-style before fighting against the forces of evil to, like, activate their holy powers. I didn't have said holy powers, but given their association with me the devils would try and get me to get to them, so they inducted me in all quick-like and put me through a fuckload of trials, from religious (which revealed that while I wasn't religious worth a damn, I was at least moral) to intellectual and... ah... physical. Which I failed mightily. But that's not the point.

The point was that it was lucky they got me in, because while we were touring the new Globe theater (which, by the way, I've never seen in my life, not even in pictures, so it was replaced by the Collosseum in my dream) the secret organization's headquarters got razed, leaving me and the two other people "my" age (19) as the only people who could stop the world from falling under the unending rule of Shaitan. What followed was a whole bunch of butt-kicking (mostly coming from them, though I had my moments of mighty backstabbing and diversionary tactics) and... that's about when I woke up.

That was a fun dream. Either the prospect of unemployment has my imagination working overtime, or that Western Bacon Cheeseburger from Carl's Jr. REALLY messed me up.


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