Wednesday, March 24, 2004

So hmm...

Now how's this work? First, I seem to make sudden changes in health. You know, zero to sick in 3 hours? And now sick to rather healthy indeed within about the same period? Am I given to doing nothing in a slow, patient and overall liesurely manner? Apparently.

And Dom, you're in FFXI're in for a lot of fun, and a huge drain on your free time. Taru-warrior? Nutbar. ^^v

Funny enough, when I got to class this morning, I noticed my left rear tire has a nail through the sidewall...there went an entire set of tires and $600 down the drain, as they're way too worn to patch any longer. At least it didn't go flat on the way to school, and I still have a can of runflat on me so I can get it taken care if without *much* incident. Time to limp over to the tuning shop and have some friends fix me up.

Anyways, we now return you to your regular scheduled insanity. Welcome to the club. Drinks and snacks over there.


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