Friday, October 24, 2003

Hear, hear.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who actually ENJOYS overcast, cold weather. I think this whole thing is actually some conspiracy by the assholes who do the weather reports, to keep it constant so they never have to do any work. You ever notice how they view cloudy or rainy weather as the obstacle to get past? "Little bit of rainy weather, but TAKE HEART! Sunshine is on the way tomorrow!" I know it's irrational, but I actually feel angry with them when they say these kinds of things, like somehow their voicing a desire for that kind of weather influences it in some way. Someday I want to hear a weather reporter get on tv and say "Good news! Looks like HAIL! And Rain to follow! Patch of sun this afternoon, but luckily that'll pass, and the clouds will roll back in for the evening... "

Blah. Fuckin' heat.


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