Tuesday, August 12, 2003

My God, I finally have my head above water and am somewhat relaxed. This is good. Yesterday I went boating on the river with some friends, generally caused trouble and have furthered my addiction to Haibane Renmei. Now, I'm working on the Real Life Store, then going to the office to install the new network switch and finish setting up the server. A bit hectic.

Classes start on the 3rd, with Japanese 2A, MIS 131 and Marketing being the critical courses. I'm also leaving my present place of employment at the end of the month, so I'm looking forward to being my own boss again.

And now, because no one asked for it: Story Time!

What can I say?

One moment, I'm sitting there, minding my own business, another I'm not. I look around, and everything is different. The street is cobblestone, the buildings are some European/Japanese cross architecture, and the people...bloody hell, the people.

They're all...uhm...well, they're not like me any longer. Not by a long shot. One woman goes past, with long pointed ears. I swear she's an elf. Another woman is incredibly tall, almost 6'4" -- she looks almost like a supermodel. Scratch that, better than a supermodel, but supermodels generally dont carry huge swords with them down the street. There's another and I swear she's got scales in that copper skin, they gleam and shift as she moves.

I don't know what to make of it.

I'm starting to attract attention now, and I'm not sure if it is the kind I want. Eyes start darting in my direction at first, then focus more intently. Finally, some of them start outright staring. Then it hits me, none of them are human. I'm in the minority, here, being eyed like a peace of meat. I feel panic rising in my throat, threatening to overwhelm me completely. One starts toward me, quickly, reaching as if she was desperate, and in the moment of final clarity, I meet her eyes. They're full of sadness, longing and a deep, vicious pain. As if their entire world were desperately reaching out, trying to hold on. I suddenly realize that she has thrown something to me, a small trinket attached to a chain. I reach up, catch it, and suddenly, its all gone.

I look around, I'm back at the bus stop. No wierd square. No throngs eyeing me. The street is empty.

I look at the trinket, now firmly in my grasp, and I hear something. Just a single note; a high, beautiful note, forever singing, guiding me back to its owner.


©, 2003, Keith Posehn, All Rights Reserved.


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