Wednesday, December 18, 2002

So Two Towers was wonderful, loved it, y'know, all that jazz. Not gonna tell you how good it was because you all know that already, and if you don't, you will soon enough. And you'll enjoy it. Trust me on this. It's an excellent film and you'll dig it. Even though I was dead tired when I got home at 3:30, it was still well worth it.

Strangely enough, my voicemail has apparently been fritzy and not reporting that I had voicemail for the last two weeks, so when we came out of Two Towers last night, I turned my phone on again and all the voicemail caught up with me... 7 messages. It was pretty trippy. So I took care of most of the messages today and hopefully my voicemail will be back to working full force again.

Tomorrow there's some kind of big meeting for my department. A whole "big reorganization" type thing. I'm never keen on these kinds of meetings, because they always hold the potential to be much worse than you expect. Still, I'm trying to keep my spirits up. There hasn't been a "we're getting laid off" vibe on the team thusfar, but there has definitely been a "we're changing" type of thing, which means the team might get relocated or split and reformed. Who the hell knows what they're doing anymore... I do know that my boss is being moved within the studio to a new role, which means we're getting a new boss. I'm not sure how I feel about that, still.

NOW PLAYING: The Afghan Whigs - "Crazy"
Lyrics: "'I think your story's jive,' she said... / There ain't nuthin' wrong with me / If I use it to get me some sympathy /Some ecstasy / A memory... I wanna remember me / Crazy about ya / Crazy without ya / Crazy / Over you ..."


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